活動內容:EMC歐洲醫療中心胚胎學家Dr. Volodyaev Ilya博士,針對不孕不育患者的需求,圍繞促排、ICSI、養囊、PGS/PGD基因檢測、胚胎移植等俄羅斯試管核心操作與第三方輔助生育的合法化等話題展開全方面的分析講解。
Activity content: Dr. Volodyaev Ilya, Embryologist of EMC European Medical Center, analyzed and explained in all aspectsaround the topics including promotion of ICSI, incubation, PGS/PGD genetic testing, embryo transfer, othercore Russian IVF operations and third parties of legalization of assisted reproduction.
活動流程:Activity process:
9:00-9:30 簽到及入場Check in and admission
9:30-9:40 主持人開場白Opening speechmade by the hostess
9:40-9:45 院長致辭Speechmade by the director of the hospital
9:45-9:50 好孕天使代表致辭Speechmade by representative of Hooangel Co., Ltd
9:50-9:55 好孕天使介紹 Introduction to hooangel Co., Ltd
10:00-10:30 俄羅斯專家介紹世界前沿生殖助孕技術,歐洲、俄羅斯試管嬰兒技術及應用介紹
Russian expert introduces the world's leading assisted reproductive technology, IVF technology and its application in Europe and Russia
10:30-12:00 專家一對一咨詢及答疑Expert one-on-one consultation and Q & A
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